


there is

a quiet voice

that knows

the way

Gain clarity,

reconnect with your wisdom,

& courageously take steps forward in life.

Soulful mentoring


extraordinary journeys.

Hello, I’m Roberto

As I look back on my life thus far, I see that its been a process of letting go of ​aspects of myself that don’t represent who I truly am and more fully standing in ​my own sense of truth.

On that journey, I have navigated through periods of feeling lost, depressed, ​anxious, and aimless. Each threshold I’ve passed through has required me to ​‘feel for the bottom’, gain purchase of a solid foundation within myself and push ​back up to the engaged surface of life. This process can be painful. I know all ​too well the suffering that comes with questioning whether I am on the path I ​am ‘supposed’ to be on, whether I have made costly mistakes in my past ​decisions, and whether I will fulfill my full potential in this life.

Yet that is what life, at least partially, seems to call out of us—an ability to dig ​deep to find the part of us that is connected to the flow of life and to engage ​with life from that place. That part of us is free from fear and knows where we ​must go in life, who to engage with, and what to do.

The ability to do this is within each of us.

Even if I didn’t exist, I would want for there to be a way for everyone to find this.

But I do exist. So I am endeavoring to play my small role in that, as best I can.

If you feel moved to connect, please reach out.

Either way, thank you for being here.

What can we do together?

The answers are in you—I’m just a mirror to help you see them more clearly.


Mapping where you are, your intention, ​desires, patterns, and goals, and ​becoming attuned to the part of you that ​knows what to do and a profound sense ​of confidence in your ability to navigate ​an important threshold in life.


Reclaiming your freedom in life by ​revealing the sources of fear that ​struggles with the prospect of what may ​come, freeing the heart by transforming ​your relationship to the future.


Coming more firmly into contact with ​who you truly are and freeing yourself to ​express that, so others can see ​themselves in you and you in them, ​leading to authentic and profound ​relationships where you don’t have to ​act like anyone else than who you are.


Becoming more aware of your current ​paradigm and ongoing stories, to gain ​perspective and go deeper into the ​nature of your existence and your ​experience of it, shifting your ​relationship to what is and how you ​make sense of it.

Deep within, you know the way forward.

So how does this work?

I offer personalized 1-on-1 life coaching and mentoring.

We start with 8 sessions and take a moment then to reflect on what you’ve experienced and whether ​it makes sense to continue further.

Here’s what you can expect:


  • We take a deep dive into your current world and situation.
  • Here we explore questions about what you value, how you hold and talk about the deeper parts of ​your life, what is you “inner landscape” like.
  • I reflect back what I hear from you, sharing my impressions, seeking confirmation and further ​clarification from you.
  • We start to build trust with each other, which is the foundation of our work together.
  • I take a phenomenological approach, tuning in deeply to what is present within you at any given ​moment.
  • My focus is on grasping your paradigm and reality-view. Rather than bring you into my world and ​present to you with information or my version of reality, I want to go into your world and participate ​with you there on your terms.
  • By the end of these sessions we will gain clarity on the issues you are encountering and specify ​the essence of what is keeping you from being the person you want to be.


  • We work together to articulate the behaviors, practices, routines and ways of being that you know ​will lead to change.
  • We take a journey to mine the depths, revealing profound insights about what it’s like to show up ​differently in life. This helps to unpack the underlying patterns that were keeping you stuck in past ​circumstances.
  • I bring forth a variety of tools or concepts—sometimes sharing from my own life experience—that ​meet you where you are and empower you to discover more clarity within yourself.
  • We build a plan to
  • By the end of these sessions, you will have had important insights about yourself and your life, you ​will have identified and begun taking action towards what you feel called to do, and you will have ​increased clarity of where you are, where you want to go, how to get there and how to overcome ​what is in your way.


  • If it makes sense to us, we continue on the journey, going deeper into discovering your essence.
  • Using the map we develop during the first 7 sessions, we deploy more coaching-type support, ​supporting you on your journey of action through accountability.
  • With your newfound insights as you navigate your world, it reveals more of yourself to you, and we ​reveal more of the underlying patterns that give rise to your narratives.

My goal is for you to be more YOU

and through this have the clarity and courage to take bold steps forward

to what is most deeply callling you.

Bringing presence to you where you are—where you truly are—I have found is the most optimal way ​for you to experience profound realization. You are the one that knows where we need to go; ​sometimes all it needs is a witness.

People I’ve worked with have expressed a sense of wonder about how a seemingly aimless start to a ​session will culminate in profound insights and next steps.

It is a practice in a sort of participatory co-emergence rooted in faith.

And in a way, it’s beautiful to experience.

Schedule an exploration call

What’s it like to work with me?

I’ve been lucky to work with some amazing individuals.

Hear from some of them in their own words.

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“...the quality of his ​questions ... were so ​insightful that they ​allowed us to dive deep ​into the issues I was ​facing—much deeper ​than I had ever gone in ​almost a year of ​therapy.”

André A.


“I recently had the pleasure of working with Roberto for eight ​weeks, and I can confidently say it was one of the most ​valuable experiences I've ever had. In the past, I often felt that ​services like this didn’t quite justify the investment. However, ​Roberto completely changed my perspective.

From our very first session, it was clear that Roberto has a ​unique talent. He has an incredible ability to read body ​language, which made me feel understood in a way I hadn't ​experienced before. He's also an exceptional listener, and the ​quality of his questions truly set him apart. They were so ​insightful that they allowed us to dive deep into the issues I ​was facing—much deeper than I had ever gone in almost a ​year of therapy.

If you're looking to make meaningful changes in your life, I ​wholeheartedly recommend Roberto. The progress we made ​in just eight weeks was astounding, and I came away from ​each session feeling like I had truly taken a step forward. This ​experience was worth every penny.”

“Roberto transcends the role of a mentor; he has been a ​transformative force and a profound catalyst in my journey of ​personal growth and self-discovery. His unparalleled empathy ​and his wisdom have been instrumental in unveiling my inner ​gifts and purpose, fostering significant growth and self-​awareness. Roberto listens with intent and guides with a gentle ​precision that empowers me to discover the answers within ​myself.

He consistently embodies the principles he teaches, blending ​intelligence and compassion with ease, and breaking down ​complex ideas into actionable insights. His approach is open-​hearted and free from judgment, encouraging a journey of self-​discovery and fostering a deeper connection with my highest ​self.

Each session with Roberto feels like a substantial step forward. ​He utilizes a variety of approaches, tools, and practices, to ​ensure our time together is always mindful, intentional and ​focused on what is resonating most. He also offers me tools ​and strategies to hold me accountable and support my progress ​when we are not in session.

In Roberto, I've found not merely a guide but an inspirational ​force guiding me towards my true potential. His impact is a ​priceless gift that continues to influence my path, and for his ​unwavering support and wisdom, I am deeply grateful.”

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“Each session with ​Roberto feels like a ​substantial step ​forward.”

Aydin S.

Colorado, US

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Working with Roberto ​isn't about tackling ​preconceived issues, it's ​about allowing things to ​naturally emerge in the ​moment and then ​dissecting them together, ​uncovering their roots and ​finding resolution.”

Benian T.


Without any agenda or ’teaching’, Roberto creates a space ​for you to become present, to trust and to feel peace, ​because he truly embodies these things himself. I really felt ​seen throughout the process, because he showed so much ​genuine curiosity. I admire how he understood and reflected ​back with precision my subconscious beliefs, through which ​he made me aware of my mind’s stories and helped me to ​create a distance between me and them, which resulted in ​a great sense of inner peace.

Working with Roberto isn't about tackling preconceived ​issues, it's about allowing things to naturally emerge in the ​moment and then dissecting them together, uncovering ​their roots and finding resolution. He really goes below the ​surface layer of problems and stories and I’m deeply ​grateful for the journey with him.”

"As a professional life coach and mentor with a decade ​of experience, I can say from firsthand experience that ​Roberto is the real deal! He not only possesses the skills ​needed to support others but also embodies the ​authenticity of someone who sincerely strives to live by ​the truths he shares.

When I am the recipient of Roberto‘s spacious listening, ​poignant questioning, and remarkable sense making ​capabilities, I always leave the conversation feeling ​more clear and inspired in areas where I was previously ​feeling confused and discouraged. Roberto has a gift of ​truly seeing people and calling forth from them that ​which is most authentic and true.”

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“ I always leave the ​conversation feeling ​more clear and ​inspired in areas where ​I was previously feeling ​confused and ​discouraged.”

James F.

Colorado, US

I’d love to connect

And explore if working together makes sense


Get a taste of what our sessions would be like.

Choose a time to meet and we can jump on a ​video call to explore working together.

During the call I’ll tell you exactly what you can ​expect from our sessions, what the cost is and ​how you can get started.

Schedule using the calendar link on the right ​or write me an email if you have more ​questions.